DECEMBER 19, 1958
Orphans Feted
At AWS Party
Christmas Eve arrived early on
campus as Sunday, December 14,
saw St. Nicholas distributing gifts
to 125 children from St. Mary’s
Home for Boys in Beaverton and
the Children's Home in Portland at
the annual Associated Women Stu¬
dents Orphans’ Christmas party.
’’With the walls of the student
lounge decked with holly and ever¬
green boughs and many presents
surrounding the lighted trees, a
program of entertainment was pre¬
Prank Rector, Pilot basketball star,
performed balancing tricks with
basketballs and Benny Colvin, cow¬
boy from eastern Oregon, fascinated
the audience with rope twirling.
Members of tire Engineers’ club and
the French club sang Christina.-:
After opening their presents, dis¬
tributed by Santa Claus (Jim
Wedge) and his elfen helpers, Janice
Miles and Cookie Dougherty, the
guests were treated to refreshments
of gingerbread-men cookies, hot
chocolate and Dixie Cups.
Members of the drama department
presented “Plnocchio" prior to the
party at 7:00 p. m. in Education hall.
Co-chairmen for the event were
Sue Griffiths and Charleen Hajny,
assisted by Jan Yadon in charge of
refreshments and table decorations,
and members of the Engineers’ club
and St. Vincent de Paul society.
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Musicians Celebrate
At "Holiday Prelude”
Tonight the annual Musicians'
Ball, “Holiday Prelude,” sponsored
by Pi Phi Mu, the honorary music
fraternity, will be held at St. Vin¬
cent's auditorium from 9:00 to
12 p. m.
Highlight of the evening will be
the coronation of one of the five
lovely coeds chosen last week to
form the royal court.
Diane Avio, freshman, is the choice
of Alpha Kappa Psi. Diane reigned
as freshman queen earlier this year.
Iota Kappa Pi's candidate is Judi
Parents Arrange
Christmas Dance
“Happy Holidays,” the Christmas
dance, sponsored by the University
of Portland Parents’ club', will be
held in the Commons on December
26, from 9:00 p. m. to 12:30 a. in.
Glen Tadina and his orchestra will
provide the music.
According to1 Mrs. J. B. Ford,
chairman of the dance, all Uni¬
versity parents, students, alumni,
and friensd are invited. Proceeds
will go toward the purchase of new
furniture for the Pilot House stu¬
dent lounge.
Spirit of Christmas Season Abounds
As Campus Proclaims Saviour’s Birth
Singing Wings Present
Annua! Holiday Concert
The Singing Wings, AFROTC
choral group, will present its an¬
nual Christmas concert on Friday.
December 19, in the Pilot House
lounge following the Advent Wreath
Members of the Singing Wings
are: William Arent, John Beckers,
Ron Benjamin, Ronald Burris, Dan
Corrigan, Rlch:j rd Cunnipgham,
James Dang, Don Da Valle, William
Elbert, Ronald English, James Erick¬
son. Robert Gorger, John Hardiman,
James Kocamik, Gordon La Porte
and John Lawler.
Christmas is near and the Uni¬
versity of Portland is 'beginning to
feel the season’s merry spirit. Holi¬
day decorations are springing up all
over the campus and notably in the
new library and in Villa Maria. In¬
dividual departments, too, are put¬
ting up signs of their own holiday
Outstanding ’ on campus are the
beautiful library decorations, in¬
cluding a crib scene and tliree trees.
The crib scene, located immediately
outside the main library entrance,
features statues made in Holland.
The figures were donated for use
on the campus by Kaul'er’s.
On the second floor stair landing
stands a large fir tree, brightening
the way of any student who chances
to look up at it. The tree is trimmed
Excited children view Santa Claus and his bag of presents at the annual
AWS Orphans’ Christmas party held in the lounge on Sunday.
in blue bulbs, yellow bows and silver
plastic ornaments. It gleams with
red and green lights and permeate
the whole first floor with its tradi¬
tional Christmas scent.
Another tree Is located on the
basement check-out counter. It Is
table-sized and decorated with many
different colored ornaments and
lights. A third tree, and one that is
still growing, is a novelty Christmas
tree in the library processing room.
It is gaily trimmed with vari-colored
birds, bells, balls, cones and canes.
Two education departments are
showing ingenuity and initiative
by putting up eye-catching arrange¬
ments. The drama group has created
two paper trees and ornaments by
the auditorium doorway of Educa¬
tion hall. Papers colored gold,
orange, white, pink and blue are
intertwined and tacked on the wall
to give the novel effect of a Christ¬
mas tree. Over the door are candles
and other tree decorations also
created in the same fashion.
The elementary education classes
have composed a Nativity bulletin
board on the third floor of West
hall. The board consists of a blue
and silver silhouette of the Nativity
scene, the words, Season’s Greetings,
and a Santa Claus made of paper,
cotton, red tree balls and wire mesh.
Villa Maria and St. Joe’s, two
of the three dorms on campus, are
brightening up their strutures. St.
Joe’s residents have placed a green
wreath on the building’s facade at
second story level. Villa Maria
women have decorated two trees,
with each girl contributing at least
one ornament.
A lovely fir. trimmed with tinsel
and vari-colored ornaments, stands
majestically in the living room of
the dorm. Its twin, in both size and
decorations, dominates the recrea¬
tion room down in the basement
Other Villa Ma.rio. designs are
decorated windows in the front walk
of the building. Coming up the walk,
visitors may see two lovely trees, a
snow scene, a silhouette nativity pic¬
ture with candles and other fes¬
tival layouts.
Sunday, December 14, Christmas
decorations were put up in the Cam¬
pus Commons. They include a lovely
tree against the kitchen wall, silvery
drapes around the windows and on
the door of the girls’ entrance, a
winter scene above the boys' door
and pine boughs and other orna¬
ments around the room.
Decorating- is a part of Christmas
and aids in fostering a joyous
Christmas spirit. May you have this
spirit during your celebration of our
Saviour’s birthday. Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year to all Bea¬
con readers!
Cook, a junior. Judi is a member of
Psi Chi Eta.
Connie Nelson is being sponsored
by Upsilon Omega Pi. Connie is a
sophomore transfer from Gonzaga.
Jean Sementelli, a senior and a
member of the 1957-58 Homecoming
court, is the princess representing
the Engineers’ club.
Arnold Air Society is honoring
sophomore Joan Ingram with queen
Princesses will be escorted to the
throne by the presidents of the or¬
ganizations sponsoring them, where
one will be crowned by the outgoing
queen, Jo Fossati. The entire court
will receive flowers and gifts.
To capture the theme, decorations
will consist of a fabricated blue sky.
angel hair clouds, clusters of spark¬
ling stars, and a huge Christmas
tree, spotlighted in blue, with it»s
tip nestled in clouds. A1 Robertson’s
orchestra will provide the musical
background. An exceptionally uni¬
que feature of the ball is that the
orchestra will be hidden from the
dancers and music will appear to
be drifting from the clouds.
During intermission, a choral octet
from the University’s chorus, un¬
der the direction of Miss Mary Dun-
dore. will entertain with the singing
of traditional Christmas carols.
Voting for the queen is still being
held in the hall of the Pilot House.
Any member of the studentbody is
Bids, set at $2.50, are also still
available in the Pilot House and will
be sold at the door this evening.
Formals, dark suits and corsages are
in order for those attending.
Organization of the dance is un¬
der the supervision, of Bob Mecalls,
general chairman, who will serve
as master of ceremonies tonight.
Other committee heads include Pete
Lackaff, honored guests; Steve Law¬
rence and Marshall Warner, refresh¬
ments; Laveme Beacock, band; Ray
Chasse, advertising; Chuck Rhor-
man, decorations; Forrest Van Riper,
bids; Jim Conley, princess selection,
and Joe Teresi, intermission enter¬
Christmas Vacation
The Christmas holidays start of¬
ficially on Saturday, December 20.
at noon. During this time, resident
students are requested to leave the
campus. Those remaining or return¬
ing' early must see the dean of men
or the dean of women.
8 Jlrrstb cut’
To the Students of the University:
My Christmas gift to you will
my first Mass on
the feast. At Christmas we recall the birth of Christ,
our Saviour, and in the Mass of Christ, we offer the
great Commemoration, His Body and Blood, for our
soul’s need. In that offering I shall remember all of
you, the students of the University, asking God to bless
you and those you love, to strengthen your courage and
your faith, to give you wisdom and understanding, to
bestow II C pardon and His peace, to make you happy.
A Happy Christmas! And may God’s love hold you