Fr. Anderson Resigns
Fr. Browne Is Named Successor
Rev. Paul Waldschmidt
CSC, president, has accept¬
ed the unanimous recom¬
mendation of Rev. Joseph
P. Browne CSC to the posi¬
tion of Dean of the College
of Arts and Sciences. Mak¬
ing the recommendation
was a committee appointed
by Dr. Louis Vaccaro, aca-
* demic vice president.
Fr. Browne is replacing
Rev. James Anderson CSC
who resigned from the posi¬
tion last December due to
Fr. Browne was born in
Detroit, Michigan in 1929.
He entered the Congrega¬
tion of Holy Cross in 1947
and received his Bachelor’s
degree in philosophy from
the University of Notre
Dame in 1951.
After his ordination to
the priesthood in 1955, he
continued his studies at the
Angelicum University in
Rome, where he received
his S.T.L. in 1958 and his
Doctorate in Sacred Theol¬
ogy in 1960.
He was professor of Theo¬
logy at Holy Cross College
in Washington from 1960 to
1965. During that time he
took courses in Library
Science at Catholic Univer¬
sity of America, and in 1965
received his Master's De¬
gree in Library Science. He
had a major role in develop¬
ing the Master’s Degree
program at Holy Cross
College, which was fully
accredited by Middle States
Fr. Browne came to the
University of Portland in
the Fall of 1965 as assistant
professor in Library Sci¬
ence. He was appointed
Head of the Department of
Library Science and Head
Librarian in 1966.
He served as President
of the Oregon Library
Association during 1967-68,
and is currently Vice-Presi¬
dent and President-Elect
of the National Catholic
Library Association. He
was elected first chairman
of the University’s Academ¬
ic Senate and has continued
in that position to the
Fr. Waldschmidt says that
Fr. Browne’s excellent aca¬
demic and professional
background and experi¬
ence, in addition to his
natural abilities and lead¬
ership qualities, make him
an outstanding choice for
the important position of
Dean of the College of Arts
and Sciences. We are all
indebted to Mr. Cass, Chair¬
man of the Search Commit¬
tee, and the members of the
Committee: Dr. Pereyra,
Fr. James Kelly, CSC, Dr.
Duerfeldt, Dr. Michael
McCoy and Fr. O’Brien —
for their fine work.
Because a Librarian and
Head of the Department of
Library Science will have
to be found to replace Fr.
Browne, and because of the
complication his immedi¬
ate appointment would
make for the Academic
Senate, Fr. Waldschmidt
has agreed to Fr. Browne’s
suggestion that he be
named Dean-Elect, and that
the effective date of his
appointment be set as June,
Vol. 68, No. 15 University of Portland January 23, 1970
Winter Festival Court
Mary Beth Padden
Peggy Palmesano
Mo Kiely
Mary O'Connell
Homecoming Schedule Set
ASUP Vice-President
The first step toward hav¬
ing a great Homecoming-
Winter Festival Week has
been accomplished with
the final selection of the
four girls who will reign
as the 1970 Winter Festival
Court. The Coronation cere¬
monies will take place on
Monday night, Jan. 26 at
8:00 p.m. in Mehling. Col¬
leen Newgard has done a
great job in the planning of
this very important activi¬
ty of the week. The man re¬
sponsible for the running
of the elections, Tom
Zandoli, and his committee
did a great job in bringing
more voters to the polls
than any other election. So
the stage is set for the 1970
Homecoming-Winter Festi¬
val. To recap the week of
events so that everyone will
have a schedule of what’s
happening,, here again is
the complete list of events
for the week:
Day: Beginning of the
Powder Puff Basketball
Tournament pitting the
Freshmen vs. the Sopho¬
mores and Juniors vs, the
Seniors in Howard Hall.
Watch the posters for times
of the games. Girls get your
teams ready! Register with
your Class President for
Night: Coronation Cere¬
monies, 8:00 p.m. Mehling
Hall. The Queen will be
announced and crowned at
this ceremony. Be there!
Day: Finals of the Powder
Puff Basketball Tourna¬
ment in Howard Hall.
Night: “Las Vegas” Night
in the Pilot House. One of
the highlights of the week.
Great prizes offered to the
winners. Remember the
Carnival last year? This
year’s Las Vegas Night will
be twice as fun. Sponsored
by AWS.
Day: Nothing scheduled.
Night: Car Parade spon¬
sored by Alpha Kappa Psi
beginning at the Pilot
House. Be sure to decorate
your cars. Prizes given to
the best decorated cars.
The sky is the limit. After
that the Engineers will
sponsor the Torch Light
Parade down to Mehling
Gulch for Upsilon’s Bonfire.
This year it’s going to be a
big one!
Day: Final big Rally and
Ugly Man Contest sponsor¬
ed by Sigma Tau with the
Powder Puff Basketball
Champions playing the
varsity (sponsored by the
Freshman class). In Howard
Hall beginning. at 4:00 p.m.
Night: Homecoming Game
against the West Texas
State Buffaloes in the
Coliseum at 8:00 p.m. with
the Freshmen playing the
prelim at 6:00 p.m. Support
the Pilots in victory. Half¬
time ceremonies and pre¬
sentation of the Queen and
her Court will be put on by
the Mitchell Rifles. Victory
Dance afterwards in Meh¬
ling Lounge featuring
Notary Sojac from 10:30
until 1:00 a.m.
Nothing Scheduled. The
Winter Festival Semi-For¬
mal Dance has been moved
to Sunday since we were
able to book a great band,
The Fabulous Maximus.
Winter Festival Concert
featuring the GRASS
JR. In Concert. 8:00 p.m.,
Howard Hall. Doors open at
7:15. Tickets for non-stu¬
dents can be purchased at
the door for $2.50 per
Winter Festival Grand
Finale with a semi-formal
dance featuring the FABU¬
Lounge set up in the Ter¬
race Room for students 21
and over, faculty, and
alumni. Faculty and Alum¬
ni, $1.50 per person.
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Nader Set For
Evening Talk
One of the disadvantages
of booking a nationally
prominent figure is that
when things happen in
Washington, the repercus¬
sions on local schedules
can be fairly immediate.
This was the case with
Ralph Nader, scheduled
for UP on February 3. It
seems that. the U.S. Senate
decided that the first week
of February would also be a
good time to convene hear¬
ings on ecology, in which
many of the Nader-spon¬
sored bills will be consider¬
ed. As a result of this, the
time for Nader’s appear¬
ance at UP has been chang¬
ed from a morning presen¬
tation to an afternoon and
evening one. He will now be
on campus from 4 o'clock on
during the third day of
Although the full sched¬
ule will be announced next
week in the BEACON,
Nader’s two principal ap¬
pearances will be in the
Commons for dinner (at
5:15) and in the Buckley
Center Auditorium for a
presentation and question-
answer session at 7:15.
Seminars before and after
these are being planned.
One of Nader's mort
controversial activities ha:
been his evaluation of regu
latory agencies. Beginninf
with an investigation of th*
Federal Trade Commissior
in which he scathingly call
ed for reorganization of thi:
federal agency (which i:
charged with consumer pro
tection duties) he has comt
to the conclusion that “Reg
ulatory agencies have fail
ed by the most modest
In order ot increase hi:
available manpower for in
vestigations, Nader ha:
made use of vacationinf
students during the pas’
two summers, a group tha
has come to be known a:
"Nader’s Raiders.”
Nader is not loved b j
everyone. One incident re
corded in TIME tells
Lyndon Johnson’s effort:
to find the windshield wash
er on his new Chrysler. Un
familiar with the Nader
inspired safety feature
non - protruding knobs
Johnsow pawed at the dash
board in vain while he con
tinued to drive. Utterly
frustrated, he turned to
passenger and muttered
"Thatgoddammed Nader.”
Beginning this Friday night a movie will be presented on
campus each week. The movies will be shown, as scheduled be¬
low, in Buckley Center Auditorium unless preempted, in which
case they will be shown in Mehling Auditorium (downstairs).
Showings will be at 7:00 and 9:30 p.m. The prices of admis¬
sion will be .75 a person and $1.00 a couple (boy & girl).
January 23 - WAIT UNTIL DARK* (Audrey Hepburn, Alan Arkin,
Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.)
January 30 - HARPER (Paul Newman, Robert Wag»**? Janet
Leight, Pamela Tiffin)
February 6 - ZULU (Stanley Baker, Jack Hawkins, Michael
February 13 - THE WILD ONE (Marlon Brando, Mary Murphy,
Lee Marvin)
February 20 - LORD JIM (Peter O'Toole, Akim Tamiroff, Eli
February 27 - THE GREAT RACE (Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis,
Natalie Wood)
March 6 - SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS (Warren Beatty, Natalie
Wood, Audrey Christie)
March 13 - THE NIGHT OF THE GENERALS (Peter O'Toole, Omar
Sharif, Joanna Pettet) _