The Chapel of Christ the Teacher was dedicated on the 5th of October 1986. The name of the chapel expresses an essential theme of University life, as is explicitly stated in the 2001 brochure:  “The Chapel of Christ the Teacher is the University’s mission encapsulated: a space for teaching and learning, for prayer and spiritual journey, and for service to others – which, of course, is active prayer.”

Fun Facts

  • Chapels located in the individual residence halls served the religious needs of the campus community until St. Mary’s dual use as Student-Union by (week) day and University Chapel over the weekend began in 1965.
  • The Chapel of Christ the Teacher was the University's first building designed and dedicated as a chapel.
  • The Muslim Prayer Room was first fitted out around 1977.
  • Each oak column of the front portico is engraved with the symbol of one of the four evangelists, LeRoy Setziol, artist.